Overnighter fishing on the beach, a few days trek along a 4WD track or a cross state road trip, you don’t tend to stay in one spot for more than a night or two and prefer to keep things moving. For a set up that you can rely on, the three items you will need are a battery and DCDC charger, plus a solar panel if you choose to pull up for a few days.
Your starter battery is not designed to be used to run a fridge, so a second battery is a must. What type of battery will depend on how often you go camping.
Step 1- Batteries
For Camping a few times a year
Good quality AGM, or a calcium battery with decent warranty.
For the Fishermen/Serious Camper, (or if weight is an issue) A Lithium battery is your best option.
Has a design life 5-7 times that of an AGM, a quarter of the weight. Has charging efficiency 20% better than AGM and is physically smaller in size. Charges at higher current rates compared to AGM Safely use 80% every cycle compared to 50% with lead acid.
Step 2- DC-DC Chargers
A DC-DC Charger will keep your storage battery topped up while you are driving. It increases the voltage received by sacrificing a small amount of current to make sure the battery is charged to 100%. Which one you go for depends on what battery you are charging, where you want it placed, and then your budget.
Redarc or Victron DC Chargers
12v 25a for up to 200ah
12v 40a for 200-300ah
Step 3- Solar Panels & Chargers
General Rule of Thumb
120W for up to a 40L fridge
160W for 50/60L
200W for anything over 60L
To charge more (a drone, camera, tablets), going up a size will ensure your batteries will be fully topped up come night fall. Heavier inverter use (for larger mains powered devices need additional solar and detailed calculation of system re quirements)contact us for help with this.